Dog Freed by Rescue Group After Being Chained Outside for 15 Years

By: Chewy EditorialPublished:

Dog Freed by Rescue Group After Being Chained Outside for 15 Years

A dog shouldn’t have to spend 15 minutes chained up outside, let alone 15 years, but tragically that was the case for an emotionally and physically neglected canine named Bear.

In January, the New York-based rescue group Guardians of Rescue (who are featured on the Animal Planet series The Guardians), received a call about a senior Labrador Retriever mix that was left outside by his owners year-round.

The rescuers from the group visited the home where Bear was left alone out in the cold, and according to their Facebook page, the owners willingly surrendered the dog.

The long-overdue moment when rescuers cut the chain was captured on video, as one of the rescuers happily says, “You’re going to a new life now.”

Since then, the sweet and sensitive Bear has received the TLC he deserves—from veterinary care to proper grooming to enjoying yummy dog treats with his friends who saved his life.

The Guardians are currently taking adoption applications for Bear and plan to place him with a loving adoptive family who will give him the second chance at happiness he’s waited so long for.

Watch his amazing moment of freedom in the clip above.

Aly Semigran is a lifestyle writer for the world, and roommate of Ruby, the cutest dog in the world.


By: Chewy EditorialPublished:
