CatChannel behavior expert Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, gives tips for altering cat's early-morning demands.
Incorporate this strategy for the prevention and eradication of glass anemones into your reef maintenance routine.
Find out the history from 40 million years ago to today, from the first parrots to the pet birds in our homes.
Learn the facts behind what will probably be your puppy's only major surgery.
What should be done if longtime gerbil cagemates start fighting?
BeChewy looks at 7 things that birds are scared - the dark and some bird toys make the list surprisingly.
Cockatiels are known for their whistles and chirps, but what do those different sounds and vocalizations mean?
BeChewy walks you through what the potential harm might be if your rabbit eats chocolate and what you should do based upon your rabbit's behavior.
Some adoption organizations cover the initial expense of bird adoption, such as cage costs and vet care, but ask these questions as well before adopting your pet bird.
Can you keep more than one cockatiel without them fighting?
Find out where to place hummingbird feeders to attract the most hummingbirds.
BeChewy helps you understand do's and don'ts of owning a pet African Grey Parrot.
Find out what pet bird behaviors to expect from male and female cockatiels.
While parrots vary on how they build their nests, their parental devotion to raising their babies until the youngsters can become independent is the same across species.
If you are thinking about adding a dog to your parrot household, follow these tips on what type of dog to get and how to train the dog to live with your parrots.
With a few tools, a few minutes, a few routines and these cleaning tips, you can spend more time with your pet bird and less time cleaning.
Care for your cat’s eyes and fur with these helpful hints for grooming and cleaning Persians’ faces.
BeChewy covers the top 10 most popular parakeet/budgie questions with answers from a veterinarian.