Chewy Editorial

Posts by Chewy Editorial : 1,442

Advanced Clicker Training: Teaching Your Dog to Perform ‘Behavior Chains’

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

Advanced Clicker Training: Teaching Your Dog to Perform ‘Behavior Chains’

Is your dog a master at sit, stay and lie down commands? What if you could do all three cues when clicker training without clicking and giving a treat until the very end? Learn how to use behavior chains in dog training so your pup can complete a sequence of behaviors whenever you give the cue.

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:


5 Reasons to Vacation With Your Dog in Los Angeles, California

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

5 Reasons to Vacation With Your Dog in Los Angeles, California

There are tons of cool places in LA for you and your pup, which is why your next vacation with your dog should be in Los Angeles, California. Discover the best dog-friendly hotels in Los Angeles and all of the adventures that await you and your four-legged friend in the City of Angels.

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:


I Went to a Dog Psychic and Here’s What Happened

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

I Went to a Dog Psychic and Here’s What Happened

I Went to a Dog Psychic and Here’s What Happened

Wouldn’t it be nice to know what’s going on inside your dog’s mind? This is a thought I have at least three times each day, as my dog army crawls across the carpet and proceeds to do zoomies across the couch. What exactly is he thinking? Unfortunately, I don’t possess any cool, supernatural abilities, so I can’t read his mind. But there are people who claim they have this skill—dog psychics.

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:
