Getting married means including another person in your life, growing your family and increasing the love and warmth in a home. It also means merging your lives, and if cats are a big part of your life, then naturally you’d want to include them in the wedding somehow. Problem is, the big day is full of lots of commotion that can stress out a cat.
Marianna Zampieri of Italy found a wonderful way to have cats share in the experience that works for both the couples and the kitties. She takes beautiful wedding photos of brides and grooms with their cats following their nuptials.
Zampieri came up with the idea for the feline photo shoots after experiencing the desire to include her cat in her own wedding.
“We married with only our parents and witnesses, without the knowledge of everyone — there was not even a photographer — and so we arranged with a series of self-portraits,” Zampieri told us.
She said should couldn’t stand the idea of having that day without “Arthur, my beloved cat. So I made a series of shots with him to capture that moment.”
5 anni oggi che sei entrato nella nostra vita ❤grazie Arthur , sei unico Posted by Marianna Zampieri on Monday, August 21, 2017
Taking the pictures in the relaxed environment of the couples’ — and cats’ — home, after the flurry of activity a wedding can bring, made it a calm and pleasant process. Soon, friends whom Zampieri had also photographed, asked for similar services.
“A couple of friends, who I had already photographed for a home-based service on commission, had contacted me for the same reason: They were close to marriage and they wanted so much that their beloved three cats take part in that great event,” Zampieri said. “They knew, however, that it would be very difficult to be able to make beautiful photographs that day: too much emotion, too much confusion and too much people present for animals so habitual. So we agreed and a week after the wedding I went to their home to immortalize them in a series of photographs dressed up as a couple with their cats.”

The whole family looks beautiful in black-and-white photographs. Via Marianna Zampieri
The shoot with her first client went fantastically. All the cats took part in it, some even enjoying the activity.
“All three cats participated with pleasure and fun as if they had sensed that the occasion was important,” Zampieri said. “In particular, Perla, the beautiful white cat, had a lot of fun with the various layers of tulle of the wedding dress, so that we found her always lying on the long train!”
“The cats then lent themselves very well and the result was so much appreciated that I decided to propose it as a service to be added to the ‘normal’ private services on commission and the idea is very much like it,” she added.
The resulting wedding photos are beautiful. The black-and-white hue gives them a classic look, which adds to their timeless quality.
For those interested in a post-wedding service with their cats, Zampieri accepts offers via email to You can see more of her photos on her website.
These wedding photos would be an incredible inclusion in any album or hung on a wall. They show what a beautiful part of the family cats are, for life.
By: Anastasia Thrift
Feature Image Courtesy of Marianna Zampieri