Winter Myths That Can Put Your Pets in Danger
Minus the butter and salt, a little bit of popcorn is OK.
BeChewy gives you the low down on the new pet photo-friendly app DELFIE that lets you take the perfect selfie with your pup!
Jesse the Jack Russell Terrier knows over 400 tricks, making him one of the most talented dogs in the world. Watch his amazing feats.
8 Tips for Taking Your Dog to See Santa
Discover what makes mixed breed dogs so unique and easy to love this National Mutt Day with even more reasons that your mixed dog breed pup is special inside and out.
Foster parents in the pet world are an incredible bunch. Here are eight reasons why they deserve to be celebrated.
Long haired dog breeds come in all shapes and sizes and make excellent companion, working or show dogs. Although they are recognized in dog shows and on the street for their long, silky coats, we’ll dig into their personalities and grooming needs.
DIY Dog Advent Calendar
See how the non-profit animal rescue group, Rescue From the Hart, saved a pregnant dog who they found living under a shopping cart.
Holly the dog got a second chance thanks to the people of Pittsburg, New Hampshire. Read her inspiring story.
Fletcher was just days away from being euthanized at a high-kill shelter. But now he has a second chance.
Though it might be known as a superfood for people, is avocado safe for dogs to eat?
Scolding your dog might seem like a quick way to solve a problem, but there are many reasons why yelling is never the answer.
Bubbles the Rescue Dog: A Survivor and Business Inspiration
How 3D Printing Is Helping Pets
It’s clear that dogs have a relationship to music, but do they actually like it when we crank up some Adele?
Carmelo Abela and his Jack Russell Titti have taken the world by storm with their cliff-diving skills. Read more about this amazing cliff-diving dog.