Would you dress up as a mall Santa for a month if it meant your pet had the best holiday ever? How about watching “Frosty the Snowman” twice a day for the entire month of December? Spend the holidays with the Grinch?
Chewy polled hundreds of pet parents and found that, by an overwhelming margin, most of us would stop at nothing to include our pets in the magic of the season. That’s because our pets make the holidays (and every day) better.
Pets Partake in Holiday Traditions
Pets Dress to Thrill
They Party Hardy at Holiday Events
(And not just for the belly rub opportunities.)

Pets Are the Beating Heart of the Family
91% said their pets' love is especially comforting during the holidays.
87% of pet parents polled said the holidays would not be the same without their pets.
We’d Do Almost Anything for Our Pets

We LOVE to Spoil Them
They Made Our Heart Grow Three Sizes