Experts break down common cat hiding places, from closets to under beds. Plus, find out why cats like to hide and when it’s a problem.
We tapped a feline veterinarian to find out why cats eat grass, if it’s a normal behavior, and when you should be concerned if your cat is eating grass.
A pet trust isn’t just for rich people. It can help any pet parent ensure their beloved animals are provided for when they are no longer able to do so.
Are you up to speed on the latest cat and dog pet etiquette? We've rounded up the ultimate petiquette guide, just for you.
Dog trancing is an odd dog behavior, but it’s usually harmless. Find out what you can do to stop it and when to seek expert help.
Cat whiskers serve many important functions for our feline friends and are more than mere facial embellishments.
Incidents of dognapping are up all across the U.S.—but there are plenty of ways to keep your pup safe. Find out what puts a dog at risk, and how to prevent your dog being stolen.
Here’s what you should know about dog howling and if this behavior is normal, according to experts.
Feeling the pinch of inflation? Here’s a crash course on how to create a budget for pet expenses.
We tapped several experts to gather intel about this weird cat behavior—and most of the reasons are pretty sweet.
Have you wondered "why does my dog lick me?" Experts explain the reasons behind dog licking behavior and what you can do about it.
There are a few reasons why your cat could be meowing at a half-full food bowl.
What are pet DNA tests? How do they work? Get all your questions answered.
How do you remove unhealthy grime from your freshwater aquarium while keeping your fish healthy? We’ve got your essential guide to how to clean a fish tank.
Got a lawn mower for a dog? Find out why dogs eat grass, when you should be concerned and how to get them to stop.
If your cat chirps at birds or chatters at squirrels through the window, here’s what you need to know.
Name a more iconic duo than cats and cardboard boxes.
Have you seen a rabbit binky? It's when they run, kick their rear limbs up to the side and tilt their head. Find out why they do it and if it's normal.