Stephanie Brown

Stephanie Brown is the Executive Editor of the Chewy blog, BeChewy. From a very young age she’s loved animals and has had the honor of sharing her life with many pets, from cats and dogs to parrots and guinea pigs. She is an award-winning journalist who has spent most of her career creating content about what she loves most in the world—pets. Her favorite pastime is thinking up new and ridiculous names to call her rescue cat, Luna. (For the record, they are Luna Moon, Looney, Tunes and Stink Butt.)
Posts by Stephanie Brown : 27

Chewy’s Picks: Brand Marketing Manager and First-Time Dog Mom Lisa-Marie Curti Shares Her Top Puppy Products

By: Stephanie BrownUpdated:

Chewy's Picks: Lisa and Maple's Fave Puppy Products

Chewy’s Picks: Brand Marketing Manager and First-Time Dog Mom Lisa-Marie Curti Shares Her Top Puppy...

After years of waiting, Chewy’s brand marketing communications manager Lisa-Marie Curti finally got a dog to call her own. Here’s what puppy products she uses to keep her new fur baby happy and healthy.

By: Stephanie BrownUpdated:
