Dropsy is an external sign of an internal problem.
BeChewy walks you through details of crayfish and how to keep them in a freshwater aquarium.
BeChewy asked breeders how they arrived at their kennel names and the answers are quite funny and inspiring!
Choosing an AKC-registered name for your dog is an important part of purebreed ownership.
BeChewy looks at mouth fungus in aquarium fish and how to treat and prevent it.
Euthanizing and disposing of aquarium fish.
BeChewy walks you through the types of injuries your pet aquarium fish might sustain and how to diagnose, treat and prevent the most common ones.
Definitions of words used by pet bird enthusiasts with the pet bird slant.
CatChannel veterinary expert Arnold Plotnick, DVM, discusses cat vaccines and which ones necessary for your cat's health.
BeChewy explores the parrot beak anatomy, as well as diseases that affect the beak and how to take care of your bird's beak.
What are the causes and treatment for a watery eye in rabbits?
Worried your bunny might have an eye infection? Here’s what to do for rabbit eye problems and tips for rabbit eye care.
As pet birds, finches such as zebra finches, society finches and Gouldian finches, offer more than pretty feathers.
Know the signs of choking in parrots and birds.
Learn about what could be causing cloudy eyes in your aquarium fish and what the solution might be.
BeChewy helps you understand Hexamita, the parasitic fish disease, including its pathology, treatment and prevention.
BeChewy teaches you about the best algae eaters out there to beat back the slimy, green growth in your home aquarium.
BeChewy gives you the low down on swim bladder disease in fish, causes, treatment and prevention.