Learn what your kitty is trying to say, with help from vets.
Here are some basic differences between cats and dogs and how they should be handled according to species.
With these tips for building confidence in dogs, you can help make new experiences less daunting. Read on to learn how to build confidence in a dog.
Understand the dog psychology behind the question, "Why do dogs bark?" And if dog barking has become excessive, learn how to train a dog not to bark.
Discover the dog psychology behind why dogs dig holes and get some insight on how to put an end to dog digging pet behavior.
Do dogs dream and, if so, what do dogs dream about?
Here are nine signs that your puppy may no longer be a puppy, as well as tips on how to handle the transition.
Ever notice your dog staring at you? Like, really staring at you? Here's why.
What’s behind some of our dog's less-charming behaviors? We asked the experts—even though in some cases, we’d rather not know.
Do pet conures like to talk?
When fear becomes unhealthy it starts to impact an animal’s quality of life. Here are five weird, yet common, pet fears and why they happen.
Decoding the “Guilty” Dog: 6 Behaviors That Don’t Mean What You Think
It’s clear that dogs have a relationship to music, but do they actually like it when we crank up some Adele?
Should You Hug Your Dog?
Unraveling the mysteries behind how, and how much, our dogs feel certain emotions.
How to Stop Unwanted Behaviors
Tips for introducing a new dog to a dog, introducing a new cat to cat, or introducing a dog to a cat.
Dogs love to eat—but eating too fast can lead to intestinal problems or conditions such as bloat. Find out how to slow down your dog's eating.