Learn about whether you can use dish soap as a dog shampoo.
How much should puppies sleep? Is it OK if they nap during the day? We're answering all your questions about how much sleep puppies need.
Does your old dog have arthritis or hip pain? Learn the signs your old dog is in pain and how to provide your old dog with much-needed pain relief.
If your dog is a fast eater, mealtime can sometimes seem like a magic performance: Now you see the food ... now you don’t. But unlike a magic trick, fast eating isn’t entertaining, and it certainly isn’t fun -- especially for your dog’s health
BeChewy helps you learn about the common kinds of eye problems that are often encountered in puppies.
BeChewy helps you to understand what causes senior dog incontinence as well as how to diagnose and treat it.
BeChewy gives you tips to keep you waggy-tailed dog from going crazy and barking when someone knocks at the door or rings the doorbell.
When Does Dog Play Escalate Into A Dog Fight?
Dog Grooming Tips For Senior Dogs
Dogs scratching furniture is a common issue that many pet parents face. Find out what causes this behavior, how to prevent it and tips for creating a dog-proof couch.
The level of shedding is a question many prospective dog owners ask when deciding upon which dog to choose. Luckily, there are many wonderful dog breeds that are neither heavy shedders nor copious allergen producers.
Many people say that Snoopy looks nothing like the beagle he is supposed to represent, but this article argues that Snoopy is actually a perfect beagle.
Pros and Cons Of A Great Dane's Mile-Long Legs
How To Stop Your Adult Dog From Running Away
Why are puppies born with their eyes closed? Are dogs color blind? Find out how well your puppy sees, hears, and smells in this informative article.
Roundworms can infect dogs at any age but are notorious for infecting puppies. BeChewy shows you how to prevent roundworms and treat them.
Know what to do if your dog swallows a foreign object so you can act quickly without panicking in case it ever happens.
People like fast cars, fast horses and even fast dogs. Or at least, I do. And the fastest dog on earth is the greyhound.