BeChewy explores many of the most common changes you can expect as your dog gets older, from skin and coat changes to mental health and bone changes.
100 Dog Breed Facts
When life hands you a dog covered in poop, make (were you expecting lemonade?) a list of all your panic-stricken thoughts.
A groomer’s carelessness can be dangerous for a dog.
Find out when you can start bathing puppies and how you can make it a pleasant experience for everyone.
If your old dog won’t sleep at night, it may be indicative of some underlying health problems. Here’s what pet parents need to know.
BeChewy tells you all about Kennel Cough In puppies, from diagnosing to treatment and prevention.
Coughing in senior dogs can indicate serious health issues. Find out the common reasons why old dogs cough—and when to call your vet.
BeChewy fills you in on when you can and can't give your dog cheese and what types of cheese are safe.
Here are a seven key ways to ensure that your purebred dog co-ownership will be rewarding and not turn into a nightmare, as so many do.
Learn about why acorns contain substances that can be quite harmful to dogs.
This wash-and-wear dog breed needs regular nail trimming and brushing to look its best.
BeChewy looks at why a dog might ly down on walks and what you can do to keep them going.
The English Springer and Welsh Springer Spaniels are completely different breeds, not "varieties” of Springer Spaniels.
Your pup's habit of snatching things from tabletops isn't just frustrating—it's dangerous.
Making Your Home Comfortable for Old Dogs
Pet Massage: The Benefits and Proper Technique
Three separate breeds are "Bassets," but they are by no means the same dog; this article explains all their differences.