Acknowledged cat-huffer Angie Bailey shares her favorite cat smells such as grass, cat food and ... Fritos?
BeChewy looks at how to deal with your cat when it hates visitors.
You Can’t Make Me! The Challenges Of The Adolescent Cat
5 Tips To Convince Your Cat Not To Hate Car Rides (And Carriers)
Relief for itchy kitties everywhere.
BeChewy tackles the issue of why cats seem to sleep so much, especially senior cats.
CatChannel veterinary expert Arnold Plotnick, DVM, shares details of cat heat cycles.
BeChewy dishes on common eye problems in kittens and how to treat and prevent them.
Resolving Cat Food Allergies
BeChewy helps you understand the causes of senior cat incontinence and how to treat it.
BeChewy looks at upper respiratory infection in cats, including signs and symptoms and when you really need to get to a vet rather than trying to treat it yourself.
BeChewy looks at why cats eat plants and what you can do to prevent it.
Learn more about what it means for a female cat to be in heat, and what kind of behaviors you can expect.
BeChewy looks at why your cat might eat plants and when you should get concerned for your cat's safety.
How To Stop Your Senior Cat From Biting
Why do some cats get aggressive when there's food around? BeChewy gives you tips to manage your cat's food aggression and keep your other pets safe.
Managing Dental Disease In Your Senior Cat
Natural selection favors darker-furred felines.