How To Manage Your Kitten’s Shedding
There's more reasons to spay and neuter than just birth control. Find out why these operations are so important for your adult cat's health.
Spaying or neutering your kitten can increase their health in the long term.
Are you having problems litter box training your kitten? Here are some very helpful tips to keep this cat training going in the right direction.
Use these tips and tricks to keep your cat active and engaged while you’re away from home.
A vet explains how to recognize a feline fever and take a cat's temperature.
Cats can spend time alone if they're equipped to entertain themselves but need human interaction after a certain point. Find out when that is.
High-five with the best cats to learn tricks, house rules and more.
All those loud noises can cause some serious stress.
BeChewy looks at 13 reasons why cats are so lucky and blessed, from the luck of black cats to the good luck of sneezing cats.
BeChewy gives you the low down on the best foods for your cat's urinary tract health.
BeChewy explains how to cut a cat's toenails and stop bleeding if the claw is clipped too short.
CatChannel veterinary expert, Arnold Plotnick, DVM, discusses the possible causes and cures for itchy skin in cats.
BeChewy looks at what might be causing the sores on your cat's face and chin, including acne and allergies.
BeChewy tackles why a cat might be suddenly losing weight - often the cause is hyperthyroidism.
CatChannel and CAT FANCY cat behaviorist Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, advises an owner on how to stop younger cats from irritating older cats.
CatChannel behavior expert Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, gives tips for altering cat's early-morning demands.
Care for your cat’s eyes and fur with these helpful hints for grooming and cleaning Persians’ faces.