Make sure your pets are safe during a hurricane with these cat and dog safety tips.
Learn about dog fashion shows and how they effectively raise money for charities and double as pet adoption events.
Keep your pet safe during natural disasters with our pet-friendly disaster plan. Help calm your animal in distress with these tips.
Alternative treatments like healing crystals are becoming more popular with pet parents: but are they actually helpful?
Watch how to make a glittery polka dot treat jar for your pet.
Watch how to make this easy, customizable ombre toy basket for your pet.
Become an expert in cat language by learning how to speak cat. Find out why your cat’s body language is key to understanding your talking cat.
Meet your pet nutrition needs with high-quality pet food. Learn how incorporating these foods in a dog or cat diet can improve their quality of life.
Whether you’re challenging them to bat a bottle around or move a piece of cardboard to get their “prize,” here are two food puzzles for cats you can easily make at home.
Learn more about the American Shorthair Cat, including personality traits and special diet. See why this friendly cat is one most popular cat breeds.
How to Make Your Own Pet Teepee
Follow these precautions to be sure your pet is prepared, just like you are with your solar eclipse 2017 glasses, for the solar eclipse today.
5 Reasons You Should Never Scold Your Cat
Internet cats Cole and Marmalade got an awesome gift from their human: a maze made of 50 boxes to play in.
If you have a sick dog, determining the root of the problem isn’t always easy. If everything else in your pup’s daily lifestyle has remained constant, a recent change in his diet could be the source; and if so, you’ll need to determine whether or not your pup is experiencing a food allergy, or a food intolerance. Both are considered to be food aversions, however they come about for very different reasons.
Local pet rescues are always in need of animal shelter donations and volunteers. Here are seven ways to help your local animal shelter or humane society.
Discover the benefits of feeding your dog single-ingredient, grain-free dog treats for training or as a reward.
Because there’s no better New Year’s resolution than spending more time with your pet.