Missing ‘Jerk’ Cat Returns on Her Own After Flier Goes Viral

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

Missing ‘Jerk’ Cat Returns on Her Own After Flier Goes Viral

Cats can be tough, independent and, yes, sometimes jerks, but as any feline parent can attest, that’s what makes them so darn lovable.

In fact, it’s exactly how Don and Mary West of Charlotte, North Carolina described their beloved feline Babou when she went missing from their apartment in June.

Once the Wests realized Babou was missing (she somehow slipped out of their door), they made fliers as part of their search efforts and posted them around their neighborhood to help bring Babou home.

The poster included the physical details about the 6-year-old grey female shorthair and also mentioned that Babou is, well, “kind of a jerk.”

The tongue-in-cheek warning about Babou’s personality (which included the line, “she has strong opinions about things”) was actually an important one that helped to remind anyone who saw her not to chase her.

“We always introduce our cat as [a jerk because when] people try to pet her, she runs away,” the Wests said. “Don’t get [us] wrong, we love her for it and wouldn’t have her any other way.”

It’s hard not to take notice of a flier like that, and Babou’s search poster went viral pretty quickly while she was missing.

“There were some very nice people that called us about a couple of sightings, along with a few animal lovers that wanted to share their well wishes,” the couple says.

None of those calls actually lead to Babou. She had her own way of doing things, of course, and the strong-willed feline returned of her own volition five days after going missing.

The Wests say on the fifth day of Babou’s departure, they heard a faint call outside of their door and when they went to their porch, there was a very wet and cranky Babou.

The couple says it was a happy, tearful reunion, and Babou is already back to her old self, though the indoor cat is not as anxious to try and explore what’s going on outside as she was before.

Since her great escape, the Wests have made an appointment to get Babou microchipped in case she ever gets out again. “We’re just so happy to have her back,” the Wests say.

See Babou’s now-famous flier below.

Image via Don and Mary West

Aly Semigran is a lifestyle writer for the world and roommate of Ruby, the cutest dog in the world.


By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:
