When you want to bond with your cat in a meaningful way, watch what she does and imitate her, understand that she’s a child who never grows up, and appeal to her senses.
Bullmastiff Tattles on French Bulldog for Toilet Paper Mess
These big time dogs have left their mark on the small screen.
What Black Dog Syndrome? These canines are the best.
Find out what to pack for a lovely picnic with your pup.
For all the times your kitty makes you crazy (in love).
Not picking up poop? Leaving your dog in the car? Follow these dog etiquette rules to avoid being branded a bad pet parent.
BeChewy gives you a run down of the laws around being a pet bird owner, from burial to traveling with your bird to how many birds you can own in a given state.
Cat Dominates Pet Bed Despite Dog’s Attempts
Proof Of Dog Intelligence: Dog Thinks Twice Before Stealing Ball From Cat
California Woman Gives Up 5-Bedroom House To Care For Thousands Of Cats
Face Swapping With Pets: A Whole Other Level Of Weird
When life hands you a dog covered in poop, make (were you expecting lemonade?) a list of all your panic-stricken thoughts.
BeChewy walks you through how to distinguish the sex of your Goldfish.
BeChewy takes a look at the animals that look like ferrets.
What adaptations a bird has developed can tell you a lot about the environment it lives in, and what foods it eats.
Here are a seven key ways to ensure that your purebred dog co-ownership will be rewarding and not turn into a nightmare, as so many do.
BeChewy goes through how to help an injured field mouse in a safe way.