If it's on this list, don't freak out if your dog eats that piece you accidentally dropped on the kitchen floor.
Did you know bone broth is not only a tasty treat for dogs, but it’s a hydrating one, too?
Arthritis is a common condition in dogs, especially as they age.
It’s gross, we know, but the reality is plenty of dogs eat poop.
For the crafty pet parents out there.
For the crafty pet parents out there.
Benadryl® is an antihistamine that can help your dog with a number of health conditions.
My hamster sleeps all day. Can I sleep all day, too?
Cats are carnivores, but that doesn’t mean the occasional veggie treat is out.
It’s so important to know the signs of dehydration in dogs (especially now!).
From apples to zucchini squash.
Just as you would supervise a child, it’s important for pet parents to keep a close eye on their dog in the pool.
You’ve noticed your cat’s lip is swollen—now what do you do?
What's up with that mysterious lump?
Cage placement is eve-ry-thing.
Three tips for managing hyperactivity in kittens.
Guinea pigs have some truly peculiar habits.
Like shaving your dog in the summer.