Chewy Editorial

Posts by Chewy Editorial : 2,113

How Often Should You Feed A Dog?

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

How Often Should You Feed A Dog?

How Often Should You Feed A Dog?

How often should you feed a dog? If you asked your dog that question, her answer would probably be: As much as possible, please! But that, obviously, wouldn’t be a good idea. Exactly how often dogs should eat has been a topic of discussion—and argument—for many dog owners. Another question dog owners may find themselves asking is: How much should a dog eat? Read on for some basic feeding guidelines.

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:


Choosing the Best Joint Supplements for Dogs

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

Choosing the Best Joint Supplements for Dogs

Choosing the Best Joint Supplements for Dogs

If you walk down the vitamin aisle at your local supermarket, you may notice that there are as many supplements for pets as there are for humans. The humanization of pets is a driving factor for the pet industry, and more than ever before, pet owners are investing in vitamins and other supplements to aid in their pet’s health and well-being, according to American Pet Products Association.

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:


Basic Hamster Diet: What Do Hamsters Eat?

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

hamster close-up

Basic Hamster Diet: What Do Hamsters Eat?

Hamsters will stuff their cheeks with just about anything, but they need a balanced diet to thrive. As omnivores, they eat a variety of foods, from seeds, fruits and greens to the occasional insect or other form of protein. A variety of commercial hamster food is available for hamsters, from pellets, seed mixes and blocks. But which is the best to keep your small animal healthy and thriving?

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:
