Your cat not using the litter box definitely can be frustrating—but there are some things you can do to help your feline with this messy issue.
Look at your ferret’s feces for some clues to its health.
10 Surefire Ways to Avoid Dog Poop Pickup
7 Alternative Options to Clay Cat Litter
Besides messing up your shoes, neglecting this doody duty can ruin lawns, pollute nearby bodies of water and even spread disease.
Learn the differences between clay cat litter and silica cat litter so you can find out which cat litter to use for your feline.
Switch up your kitty litter with natural cat litter made from grass, which provides a ton of benefits for your feline, your home and the environment.
6 Things You Wish You Didn’t Know About Dog Poop
Don’t want your dog urinating in the house because of bad weather? Check out these dog potty tips!
If your cat is pooping on the bed and abandoning their litter box, it can be a huge problem. Here’s how to handle it so you can wake up without any unpleasant surprises.
When life hands you a dog covered in poop, make (were you expecting lemonade?) a list of all your panic-stricken thoughts.
BeChewy gives you the low down on bird poop, from why it's white to its various uses to cleaning it!
Learn about how to spot, treat and prevent aquarium fish constipation.
BeChewy looks at when bird droppings pose a threat to canine health and how to prevent danger to your pup.