Bananas are a delicious and healthy treat for humans, but can dogs eat bananas? Are bananas good for dogs? Here’s what you need to know.
Learn about how to safely feed pumpkin to your dog as well as pumpkin safety for your dog during Halloween!
Not only can cats eat pumpkin, but it’s also a nutritious treat.
There’s hardly a more quintessentially American activity than firing up a grill in the summertime, but what’s a gathering over hot dogs, burgers and potato salad if your family dog can’t partake in the fun? “Barbecues are communal, so being able to have your pets there is part of the fun — for you, for the pets and for any kids present,” says Dr. Charlotte Flint, a senior consulting veterinarian in clinical toxicology at the Pet Poison Helpline.
Here's how to break bread with your cat.
Learn about how hemp hearts impact dog nutrition and why they are one of the many foods that are good for dogs. Incorporate hemp into your dog's diet with these products.
They sure can—as long as it’s served in moderation.
Minus the butter and salt, a little bit of popcorn is OK.
Though it might be known as a superfood for people, is avocado safe for dogs to eat?
Unfortunately, this tart fruit isn’t totally safe for dogs to eat.
While it may make for a funny video, is it really safe for dogs to eat lemons?
Some vegetables and fruits that are good for you can actually cause your dog unnecessary harm. Are cucumbers safe for dogs? Read to find out.
Dogs may love it, but cats are a whole nutter story.
Can cats eat bananas, too? In short, yes! But will they eat them? Now that’s the real question.
Can cats drink milk? They can, but it’s not usually recommended. We’ll explain.
If your dog snags a nut that falls on the floor, should you freak out? Here are the facts on whether or not your dog can safely eat walnuts.
Your pup may go nuts for them, but should you share your almond stash with your dog?
BeChewy fills you in on when you can and can't give your dog cheese and what types of cheese are safe.