So you’re the parent to a new pet rabbit. Congrats! You have all the essentials for taking care of a bunny and you’re excited to welcome this newcomer with floppy ears and a twitchy back leg. There’s just one thing left to do: Pick out the best rabbit name. Whether you’re looking for a punny bunny name, a pop culture reference or just something that perfectly suits their vibe, we’ve got you covered with this list of over 200 rabbit names.
Let your new rabbit companion hang with you on the couch while perusing this list of the best bunny names.
(Getting a hamster, ferret, chinchilla, or another small fella? Check out our ultimate small animal names list.)
Top 10 Rabbit Names

Photo: Oleg_Serkiz/Shutterstock
We polled more than 9,000 small animal pet owners, more than 2,000 of which were rabbit owners. The following are the top names for all rabbits. A few extra are in there, as some names were a tie.
Bambi’s oldest and best friend in Disney’s 1942 feature film, “Bambi,” Thumper is a small, funny bunny known for excitedly thumping his back foot.
Among the best rabbit names for a black and white bunny, this is the cookie made up of two chocolate wafers separated by cream filling.
Also known as Bun Bun or Bunn Bunn. - A breakfast roll, or short for bunny.
Also known as Cocoa or Co-Co. - The cocoa bean is a basic building block of chocolate and is therefore precious. (Alternatively, you could call your bunny Hot Chocolate.)
Also known as Daisy Mae or Daisy May. - A pretty white flower name for a pretty white bunny!
Also known as Bunnie. - When in doubt, keep it simple.
Also known as Cinna-bun or Cinnabunn or Cinnamon. - This tasty treat also makes for a fun, punny rabbit name—but please, refrain from spicing your rabbit with cinnamon or coating them with frosting.
Also known as Bugz or Buggs or Buggz or Bugsy or Bugzy. - As white rabbit names go, this one’s a classic. It also belongs to the white bunny in the movie “The Secret Life of Pets.”
Got a badass bunny? Why not name them after the Chicago mobster Bugsy Siegel, a contemporary of Al Capone?
Also known as Marshmellow. - A type of confectionery typically made from sugar, it's soft and fluffy—just like your bunny.
An appropriate name for a bunny with black fur.
For the rabbit you believe to be a supernatural being of divine grace and beauty, this is the best rabbit name.
Inspiration For Rabbit Names
But what if those top 10 rabbit names aren’t names that suit your new rabbit? Or what if you want something completely different?
A name can be literally anything, but if you’re stumped on where to start, try out some of the following categories to jumpstart your creative thinking.
Pop Culture Rabbit Names

Ritu Manoj Jethani/Shutterstock
This includes anything from movies to books to television shows to cartoons and more. Below are some of our favorites.
Bugs Bunny
Cartoon - A legend among cartoon bunnies, Bugs is worry-free and capable of coolly outsmarting a host of animated antagonists from Daffy Duck to Marvin the Martian.
Jon Snow
Game of Thrones - For fans of HBO’s massively popular “Game of Thrones” fantasy series, in which the thoughtful Snow is one of the show’s most popular characters.
Babbitty Rabbitty
The Tales of Beedle the Bard - For those who’ve taken a deep dive into the universe of Harry Potter, Babbity Rabbity is the main character in one of the five fairy tales found in “The Tales of Beedle the Bard” by J.K. Rowling.
White Rabbit
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland - Perhaps the most famous white bunny of all, this is a figure in Lewis Carroll’s classic novel. The White Rabbit leads Alice down the rabbit hole in the book’s first chapter.
Jive Bunny
Musician - A cartoon rabbit was the face of Jive Bunny and the Mastermixers, a novelty pop music act from the UK in the late 1980s and early ’90s.
Roger Rabbit
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - One of the biggest names in Toontown, Roger is the main character of a 1988 Disney film that merges live-action and animation.
The Little Mermaid - This Disney-inspired name belonged to a sea witch but it translates to “little bear,” which is also a cute way to describe a rabbit who has a temper.
The Secret Life of Pets - As white rabbit names go, this one’s a classic. It also belongs to the white bunny in the movie “The Secret Life of Pets.”
Comic book series - A superhero created in 1977 by Martin Greim, Thunderbunny is a pink-furred rabbit with enormous muscles. His powers include flight and super strength.
Twilight - Short for beautiful, and worthy of a truly lovely rabbit.
Peppy Hare
Video game star - As one of the computerized co-pilots in the 1997 Nintendo game “Star Fox 64,” this rabbit urges players to “do a barrel roll.”
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
Cartoon - A stylistic precursor to Mickey Mouse, Oswald is a cartoon rabbit created by Walt Disney that featured in a series of shorts from 1927 to 1938.
Mascot - First created as a parody of Duracell’s original battery-powered rabbit, Energizer's mascot keeps going (and going and going) wearing sunglasses and flip-flops and beating a drum.
Anthony Hopkins
Actor - In addition to belonging to a talented actor, Sir Anthony Hopkins’ name contains an easy reference to our high-leaping friends.
Basil Stag Hare
Redwall - This resident of Mossflower Woods in Brian Jacques’ classic series of children’s fantasy novels is a gluttonous but hard-fighting hare who has mastered the art of camouflage.
Periodical - Worth it just to introduce your pet rabbit as a “Playboy bunny.”
The Rabbit of Caerbannog
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - A killer rabbit that makes quick work of King Arthur’s crew in the classic 1975 British comedy.
Another name option is to go with Greek or Roman gods, or characters from ancient myths. For example...
The Hare of Inaba of ancient Japanese myth is a trickster who plays a central role in the foundation of the country prior to the birth of its first emperor.
The ancient Greek god of war. If your bunny is feisty, this might be the perfect rabbit name.
Greek Goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and the moon. Artemis is also a goddess in DC and Marvel comics and a small, uninhabited island in the Libyan Sea.
For fans of the luxury fashion label or the ancient Greek deity and messenger of the gods it’s named after.
Got a big bunny? Name them after this fifth planet from the sun that’s also the largest in the solar system.
Your rabbit’s pink or red eyes might remind you on this “Red Planet” named for the Roman god of war.
Named for the Roman god of the sea, this blue planet might make a perfect moniker for your rabbit with blue eyes.
Greek Goddess of wild animals, the hunt, and the moon. Also a goddess in DC and Marvel comics and a small, uninhabited island in the Libyan Sea.
Natural World Rabbit Names

Mother Nature is one of the biggest inspirations around. There’s so much you can pull from in nature that subcategories are needed for this category. Consider the following with a few examples for each.
Cloud, Snow, Storm, Misty, Raindrop, Snowflake, Windy
Daisy, Rose, Daffodil
Clover, Fern, Ivy, Chive
Diamond, Topaz, Opal, Pearl, Ruby
Copper, Silver, Gold
Aspen, Willow, Juniper
Venus, Mars, Jupiter
Betelgeuse, Rigel, Antares
Other Animals
Moose, Bear, Chipmunk
Summer, Spring, Winter, Fall/Autumn
Times of Day
Midnight, Twilight, Dawn
Descriptive Rabbit Names

Tom Reichner/Shutterstock
Here are some words for noise, movement, or feelings that could also make a great name for your new rabbit.
For the bunny who likes to play and happily run around, this might be one of the best rabbit names.
An apt description of just about any rabbit.
You might notice your rabbit twitching their ears, legs or whiskers.
A rabbit will stomp their back feet when they’re irritated, seeking attention or sense danger approaching.
A rabbit will “binky”—jump and twist in the air—when they’re excited or happy, or sometimes for seemingly no reason. Rabbits are more likely to binky when they feel safe.
For the nimble and playful rabbit who likes to run around.
If your rabbit is small but can hop super-high, consider naming them after Muggsy Bogues, the shortest player ever in the National Basketball Association.
Like rabbits, grasshoppers have powerful hind legs that allow for big leaps away from predators.
For the uncoordinated rabbit.
Not for the tentative nibbler, this is the best bunny name for the rabbit who attacks their food with gusto.
For the rabbit who ducks and weaves like a boxer, or one who has an especially adorable bobtail, this is one of the best rabbit names.
Kernels of popcorn “hop” when they pop into fluffy white snacks, making this an appropriate name for a white rabbit who loves hopping around.
For a light, fluffy bunny, choose this rabbit name
Perhaps it’s the perfect description of your bunny’s ears.
If you don’t want to name your rabbit after someone you know or someone famous, but you do want to use a name traditionally used by people, here are some common—and some not so common!—people names used for rabbits.
A feminine name meaning “princess,” this might suit your royal lady rabbit.
Meaning “dawn,” this is a great name for a bunny with golden fur, the color of a sunrise.
An ancient Greek storyteller known for his fables, such as “The Tortoise and the Hare.”
Perfect for a bunny born in July (a ruby is July’s birthstone) or if your rabbit’s red or pink eyes remind you of this pink-to-red colored gemstone.
For the rabbit you believe to be a supernatural being of divine grace and beauty, this is the best rabbit name.
Does your rabbit love thumping their feet? Name them after one of the most famous drummers in history, Ringo Starr of The Beatles.
Short for beautiful, and worthy of a truly lovely rabbit.
A pretty white flower name for a pretty white bunny!
A standby for gray-furred, floppy-eared rabbits everywhere.
Of Arabic origin, Xavier means “new house” or “bright”—perfect for your bright-eyed bunny who just got a new home.
A perfect name for a bunny who came into your life around the holidays.
Meaning white or fair, it’s a great name for your fair-haired rabbit.
Cindy Hopper
You know, she sang “Girls Just Want to Have Fun” and “Time After Time.” Oh, wait, that was Cyndi Lauper.
For a soft, velvety rabbit who’s nice to pet—or fans of Tom Felton, the actor who played Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films.
A dedicated student at Acme Looniversity, Babs Bunny is the main character of the “Tiny Toons Adventures” animated TV series that aired in the early 1990s.
As a cranky old rabbit who refuses favors and hauls luggage for the Furry Arms Hotel on “Sesame Street,” Benny Rabbit really has a lot in common with Oscar the Grouch.
For the hunky rabbit who moonlights as a romance novel cover model.
A 6-foot-tall, invisible rabbit was famously depicted in the 1950 comedy-drama, “Harvey.”
Derived from the masculine and distinctly devilish name Lucius, this one best suits a mischievous female rabbit.
A feminine name meaning “life” or “to live.”
A state of happiness or a pleasing manner or quality (which your rabbit has in abundance, of course).
For the feather-haired rabbit whose locks could compete with 1970s “Charlie’s Angels” actress Farrah Fawcett’s.
David Hasselhop
A punny play on the name of “Baywatch” star David Hasselhoff.
A prominent character in the "Old Mother West Wind" series by Thorton Burgess, Peter Rabbit briefly changes his name to Peter Cottontail in an effort to sound more important.
Apart from the alliterative ring of the name “Buffy the Bunny,” this is a great choice for fans of the TV show “Buffy the Vampire Slayer.”
Frank the Rabbit is the super scary-looking antagonist of the 2001 psychological thriller “Donnie Darko,” appearing throughout the film in a bizarre rabbit costume.
A punny name for a “hairy” rabbit with a whole lot of fur.
The best rabbit name for a light brown bunny who loves the beach.
Marilyn Bunroe
A punny homage to classic Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe.
One of the world’s highest-paid entertainers at the beginning of the 20th century, Houdini was noted for his illusions, stunts and escape attempts. If your bunny likes to escape its enclosure, this might be the perfect name.
A term of affection for a loved one.
A state of happiness or a pleasing manner or quality (which your rabbit has in abundance, of course).
Fans of classic cinema can name their bunny after film icon Humphrey Bogart.
For the rabbit with fine white fur that might remind you of a morning mist.
A prominent character in the "Old Mother West Wind" series by Thorton Burgess, Peter Rabbit briefly changes his name to Peter Cottontail in an effort to sound more important.
As the obscure comic book hero created in the late 1970s, Bucky O’Hare fights an army of toads consuming the galaxy in a parallel universe. The concept was extended to an animated TV show, “Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars,” and an arcade video game in the early 1990s. (Bucky is a hare, not a rabbit, but we don’t think your new bunny will argue.)
A rare name for baby boys, Dobbs might be perfect for your pet rabbit who could use a human-sounding but not overused name.
Hare E. Potter
Fans of Harry Potter can pay punny tribute to the Boy Who Lived.
Lola Bunny was a tough-talking, no-nonsense bunny first appeared as Bugs Bunny’s girlfriend in the 1996 movie “Space Jam.”
The Roosevelt family, which produced two American presidents, kept rabbits as pets. There’s no more distinguished name for your new bunny.
Color Rabbit Names
When in doubt, name your new pet rabbit after the color of his fur or one that just sounds cool and unique. Here are some choices below:
This is a word for a light shade of gray that just might match your rabbit’s fur.
If your rabbit’s fur is gray, this name is a great pick.
Got a black and white bunny? Why not name them after the black and white squares of a chessboard?
This sweet fruit might be your rabbit’s favorite snack (in moderation, of course), or its red color might match their eyes.
Maybe it’s the color of your rabbit’s eyes, or maybe you’re just a huge fan of Beyonce, who named her daughter Blue Ivy.
Is your rabbit’s fur as black as raven feathers? Choose this rabbit name.
The cocoa bean is a basic building block of chocolate and is therefore precious. Alternatively, you could call your bunny Hot Chocolate.
The nut of an oak tree, and a sweet name for a bunny with golden brown fur.
A sweet-smelling flower that comes in shades of white or yellow makes a great rabbit name for your sweet, white or blonde bunny.
This precious stone has a blue-green hue, making it a great rabbit name for bunnies with blue eyes.
If your rabbit has marbled eyes in shades of brown and blue, they might be mistaken for the color hazel.
This dark gray color might describe your rabbit’s fur.
These baked chocolate confections are now found in kitchens and coffeehouses everywhere and would make a great name for a brown-colored rabbit.
For a rabbit with blue eyes, choose this Spanish word for the color blue.
Perfect for a bunny born in July (a ruby is July’s birthstone) or if your rabbit’s red or pink eyes remind you of this pink-to-red colored gemstone.
An aromatic evergreen shrub, or an adjective meaning wise. Perfect if your rabbit is especially smart (or smells especially great).
This purple fruit is both delicious and healthy in small portions for your bunny. Why not name your rabbit after their favorite treat?
A golden-orange hue, this might be the color of your rabbit’s eyes.
Sweet and light brown in color—does that sound like your rabbit?
If you’re a fan of the black variety of this candy, it might make a fun name for your black bunny.
Among the best rabbit names for a black and white bunny, this is the cookie made up of two chocolate wafers separated by cream filling.
Food Rabbit Names

You could name your rabbit after his favorite food (make sure you only feed your rabbit food that is safe to eat). Or, you can just name him after your favorite food.
Strawberry, Lemon, Kumquat, Kiwi, Peaches
Skittles, Marshmallow, Snickers, Twix, Caramel
Salt, Pepper, Sage, Chive, Thyme
Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, Macaroon
Sherbet, Strudel, Pudding, Brownie
Popcorn, Chips, Pretzel, Twinkie
Pickles, Mustard, Chutney, Brown Sugar
Minestrone, Chowder, Bisque
Carrot, Pumpkin, Radish, Arugula, Lettuce, Zucchini
Chardonnay, Merlot, Pinot Noir
Cashew, Pistachio, Almond
Mocha, Latte, Milkshake
Muffin, Pumpernickel, Baguette
More Rabbit Names
Still looking for more? We got you covered with additional name ideas for your fluff-monster.
- Alec Azam
- Captain Carrot
- Moon Rabbit
- Haystack
- Jive Bunny
- Pantoufle
- Socks
- Easter
- Max Hare
- Flopsy
- Alfalfa
- Paprika
- Dapper
- Hedgepaw
- Snuggle Bunny
- Jax
- E. Aster Bunnymund
- Midnight
- Aspen
- Silly Rabbit
- Gypsy
- Judy Hopps
- Baby
- Yale
- Morpho
- Cinnamon
- Elfie
- Tarquin Longleap Woodsorrel
- Bigwig
- Hip Hop
- Bionic Bunny
- Queenie
- Spot
- Mother Rabbit
- Dewey
- Killer
- Blackjack
- Chomper
- Sky
- Honey
- Presto
- Bonbon
- Kona
- Cleo
- Eyebright
- Bonkers
- Pookie
- Dice
- Scamper
- Lepu
- Boxwood
- Honeydew
- Bozo
- Saphire
- Maid Harian
- B-Rabbit
- Nesquick
- Dolly
- Buffy
- Pepsi
- Cinderella
- Sage
- Bumper
- Hops
- Bun
- Domino
- Wonder Wabbit
- Buster Baxter
- Cadbury
- Hutch
- Raven
- Carrot
- Velveteen Rabbit
- March Hare
- Zelda
- Guy
- Duchess
- Peppy Hare
- Chocolate
- Jessica Rabbit
- Clover
- Peanut
- Cotton Candy
- Runny Babbit
Adding A Dash Of Distinction
Some people enjoy creating especially long names for their pet. Something along the lines of Sir Humphrey Who-Eats-Bananas of Hoppington Hollow. If that seems a bit much, perhaps you just want to add an honorific like Mr., Mrs., Miss, Sir, Lady or Lord. You can also opt to add an actual title like Prince, Princess, Queen or King. After all, your pet is whatever you choose him or her to be in your realm.
I hope this got your mind brimming with ideas and you soon find the perfect name for your rabbit pal! Once you have the name nailed down, don’t forget to pick up all of the necessary rabbit supplies. Product essentials include a cage; rabbit pellets; hay; treats and toys.
Learn even more about getting a rabbit:
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