A guide to what different types of poop might indicate about a ferret’s health.
The diagnosis and treatment of a guinea pig with head tilt and mites.
What gets rid of dandruff on guinea pigs?
BeChewy helps you understand what to do if your rabbit nearly stops drinking water.
Know the signs of an ill hamster.
Check out 10 must-have items to turn your ferret’s cage into a cozy home.
What would cause an older hamster to suddenly drag its rear legs?
What you need to know about canine distemper in pet ferrets.
Why are ferrets good therapy animals and what do the new Department of Justice guidelines on service animals mean for people who have therapy ferrets?
Learn this must-know information about what causes guinea pig tooth problems, how they’re treated and how to avoid them.
How often does bedding need to be cleaned and what’s a good size cage for mice?
Helping ferrets in pain or distress might be difficult because ferrets are so stoic.
What would cause a mouse to suddenly roll and spin, drag an ear on the ground and somersault uncontrollablly?
What’s the best way to introduce a new sugar glider to one of a remaining pair?
Is it OK to leave guinea pig fathers in with the mother and baby guinea pigs?
Why would a rat sneeze a lot?
What would cause a mouse to lose patches of fur?
BeChewy gives you a hamster nail trimming tip that will make the process so much faster and easier.