With a few tools, a few minutes, a few routines and these cleaning tips, you can spend more time with your pet bird and less time cleaning.
BeChewy covers the top 10 most popular parakeet/budgie questions with answers from a veterinarian.
Can cockatiels handle high temperatures? Find out how high and low temperatures can affect your cockatiels and pet birds.
BeChewy looks at the issue of aggression in discus fish and how to keep it from hurting other fish in your aquarium.
BeChewy explains the intricacies of dealing with a cockatiel who's hormones are causing it to act aggressive.
From song, to color, to body type, canaries are meant to be seen and heard.
If your cockatiel lands badly when it attempts to fly, it may never have learned to use its rudder (tail).
Due to our carefully controlled environments, a bird's nasal passages dry up, which can sometimes cause sneezing.
Have a question about pet parrotlets? Check out this parrotlet FAQ for answers.
Avoid being bitten by not letting your pet bird on your shoulder.
BeChewy looks at aggression in Budgies/Parakeets and how to tell if your bird may indeed have an aggression problem.
BeChewy looks at when bird droppings pose a threat to canine health and how to prevent danger to your pup.
BeChewy looks at fungus in aquarium fish - usually caused by stress or hygiene issues in the aquarium - and how to alleviate it.
How do you determine the sex of ram cichlids?
Daphnia are a superb live food for aquarium fish.
In honor of Endangered Species Day on May 17, 2013, BirdChannel is helping promote awareness of endangered parrot species all month long.
BeChewy gives you tips for what you can do to stop a bird from squawking.
Know your ant species and how to handle them if they invade your bird's cage.