These aquatic plants can do very well in your aquarium.
Setting Up An Archerfish Aquarium
BeChewy gives you some tips on how to care for your Figure 8 Pufferfish.
If you keep these interesting catfish, choose tankmates and aquascape based on their needs.
These animals can be very beneficial in keeping your display tank water pristine.
Seahorses In The Home Aquarium
Learn about how to spot, treat and prevent aquarium fish constipation.
BeChewy explores the details of keeping Assassin Snails as pets, from feeding and breeding to the kind of care they require.
Follow these tips to set up and scape a beautiful planted nano tank.
Shoaling anthias can make beautiful additions to your reef tank.
Incorporate this strategy for the prevention and eradication of glass anemones into your reef maintenance routine.
Your mission is to achieve and maintain a healthy shrimp colony through successful breeding.
Aquariums that won't hold water, and the people who own them.
BeChewy looks at the issue of aggression in discus fish and how to keep it from hurting other fish in your aquarium.
BeChewy looks at fungus in aquarium fish - usually caused by stress or hygiene issues in the aquarium - and how to alleviate it.
How do you determine the sex of ram cichlids?
Daphnia are a superb live food for aquarium fish.
In captivity pufferfish rarely eat as much crunchy food as they do in the wild, and their teeth can grow faster than they are worn away.