Discover the benefits of feeding your dog single-ingredient, grain-free dog treats for training or as a reward.
Get the basic dos and don’ts of homemade dog treat making, as well as some helpful tips and tricks for a hassle-free baking experience.
There's no doubt dogs are good at some things, however, cats excel at others, including some very surprising ones.
Alaskan Malamutes Phil and Niko helped their human parents walk down the aisle on their big day.
The idea that dog owners need to establish dominance over their dogs through heavy-handed physical means has been around for far too long.
Use this guide to love your pet on Spoil Your Dog Day. If you have a spoiled dog, treat him to dog grooming, a dog massage, and other gifts on this special day.
Whip up some yummy and easy homemade dog treats that make the perfect stuffing for a KONG Classic dog toy. These DIY dog treat recipes will keep your pup entertained!
A Lab and his stuffed hippo's hilarious Instagram mystery captured hearts everywhere.
There’s hardly a more quintessentially American activity than firing up a grill in the summertime, but what’s a gathering over hot dogs, burgers and potato salad if your family dog can’t partake in the fun? “Barbecues are communal, so being able to have your pets there is part of the fun — for you, for the pets and for any kids present,” says Dr. Charlotte Flint, a senior consulting veterinarian in clinical toxicology at the Pet Poison Helpline.
See why the 'Pet Brothers From Other Mothers' animal photography collection is just the best.
Watch Dachshunds race their buns off to raise money for the Philadelphia Animal Welfare Society.
You come home from a long day at work so excited to see your loyal, dedicated, unfaltering best fur baby friend that has been waiting patiently all day to see you.
If your dog exercises often, or if you’d like to get your dog started as a working dog, it is important to understand the proper nutritional requirements. Just like any athlete needs a specialized nutrition plan to help them perform, any dog that engages in strenuous physical activity needs proper working dog nutrition.
Marine dog Cena served Lance Cpl. Jeff DeYoung in combat and at home, and his legacy won't soon be forgotten.
Learn how to make a delicious DIY dog treat with this simple dog biscuit recipe.
As these poorly-camouflaged spotted dogs prove, sneaking around is best left to cats.
Looking for a dog breed that’s a little less mainstream? Consider these 10 underrated dog breeds.
If you’re looking for a new companion who will always look like a puppy, here are some breeds to consider.