18 Must-Have Items for Your Pet Emergency Kit

By: Katy Nelson, DVMUpdated:

pet emergency must-haves
Chewy Studios

18 Must-Have Items for Your Pet Emergency Kit

Do you have a pet emergency kit? Right now, before an emergency or natural disaster, take the time to gather items for a pet emergency kit. Having what you need on hand can help you respond quickly and appropriately when needed. It's not a huge list, and there is nothing you can't find at a drug store or online in the case of some pet specific items.

Here’s what pet parents should have on hand in a pet emergency kit to be prepared for most emergency situations. A large, flat plastic container will hold most of these items.


Pet Emergency Kit Must-Haves

  1. A copy of your pet’s medical records (not just a folder of receipts)
  2. Emergency contact card with the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center Phone Number—(888) 426-4435—and that of your local emergency animal hospital on it
  3. A commercial pet first aid kit, like this kit from Kurgo, stocked with non-stick pads, bandage gauze, alcohol swabs, pressure wraps, small tweezers, blunt scissors and bandage tape, among other items
Kurgo First Aid Kit for Dogs & Cats

4. Oral-activated charcoal, administered in case of toxin ingestion (call your vet first)

5. Emergency eye wash, like Vetericyn's eye wash, for rinsing out foreign matter

Vetericyn Plus Antimicrobial Eye Wash for Dogs, Cats, Horses & Small Pets

6. Hydrogen peroxide, which can be used to do the initial cleaning of a wound (only once, not daily) or, if advised by your veterinarian, to induce vomiting

7. Plain canned pumpkin (the puree, not the pie filler), like Nummy Tum-Tum, in case of diarrhea

Nummy Tum-Tum Pure Organic Pumpkin Canned Dog & Cat Food Supplement

8. A pet thermometer, like Pet-Temp’s ear thermometer

9. Petroleum jelly, to use as a lubricant for a thermometer, or to cover a wound under a bandage before you seek treatment

Pet-Temp Instant Pet Ear Thermometer
FREE 1-3 day shipping
10. Paw balm, like Bag Balm for pets, for dry, chapped or burned paws
Bag Balm Pet Nose, Paw & Hot Spot Moisturizer
11. A calming aid, like Rescue Remedy drops, to use in times of stress
Rescue Remedy Stress Relief Pet Supplement
12. Nail trimmer and styptic powder, to stop the bleeding of minor cuts or if you cut the nail back too far. One option is Miracle Care’s Kwik-Stop
Safari Professional Nail Trimmer for Dogs
Miracle Care Kwik-Stop Styptic Powder for Dogs, Cats & Birds

13. A couple pairs of disposable rubber gloves, in case your pet is injured and has an open wound, to keep you and your pet infection-free

14. Plastic oral syringe, like this one from Oral Syringes, for administering medicines or flushing wounds

Oral Syringes Dispensing Syringes with Tip Cap, 1-cc

15. Flashlight or pen light

16. A fluffy towel, to wrap scared kitties in or warm cold puppies up

17. Pet wipes, to help keep your furry friend clean

18. Treats, to give a little comfort in a scary situation

Top Performance Microfiber Pet Towel, 3-Pack, 36 x 24 Assorted
Vetnique Labs Furbliss Refreshing Pet Wipes

Is Your Pet on Prescription Meds?

If your pet is on prescription meds, it’s recommended to keep at least a two- to four-week supply of the medicine on hand in case of an emergency, an evacuation or an illness. This includes heartworm, flea and tick preventive medications and any prescription diets that your pet has been prescribed.

Have Extra Pet Food and Litter, Too

Have an extra bag of kibble or case of cans of your pet’s regular diet on hand at all times, as well as extra litter for your kitties.

While you’re getting supplies together, it’s also a good time to check pet tags and microchips to ensure all are up to date. It's also a good idea to learn CPR.

By taking a little extra time to take these steps, including gathering all of these supplies while you’re calm and able, you’ll save yourself a lot of anguish if an emergency strikes.

Our last bit of advice? Check your pet emergency kit twice yearly to ensure no products have expired and to update your pet’s medical records.


By: Katy Nelson, DVMUpdated:
