A dog with an elevated liver count may be just fine.
Are you looking to create the ultimate dog garden? Check out this guide for dog-friendly plants that are sure to impress without posing threats to your furry friend.
Many myths exist about cats and their ability to bond with people. It has been a long-held belief that cats only see us as their servants and not as real companions. I can tell you with unwavering certainty that nothing could be further from the truth.
Growths on dogs may be a cause for concern, but dog skin tumors are actually quite common. Check out this guide on growths on dogs.
Is your dog scooting their butt on the floor? Anal glands may be the culprit. Find out why anal glands can cause scooting and what to do if your dog appears to have an irritated anal gland.
Worried your pup might have a yeast infection? Learn all about the signs of a yeast infection in dogs and the best methods of treatment.
Worried your pooch isn’t getting enough exercise? Check out fun games for dogs to play indoors and toys to get apartment dogs moving.
Supplement to “Fish Color: More than Meets the Eye” by D.M. Recktenwalt, Aquarium Fish International magazine, August 2012, Vol. 24, No. 8.
Do you have an itchy dog? Is the dog scratching driving you crazy? Here's how to help.
Is it a sign of illness if a rabbit has a wet nose sometimes?
Are you an equestrian looking to strengthen the bond between you and your horse? This guide to horse body language can help understand how your horse communicates through her behavior and body.
Is your kitty sharpening their claws on your favorite couch? Find out how to keep cats from scratching furniture with these expert tips.
Ever wonder what gives calico cats their unique coat or why calicos are mostly female or how they’re different from tortoiseshell cats? We’ll reveal everything there is to know about these beautiful cats.
Bringing home a new kitten? Keep these seven tips in mind when raising a kitten.
Want to help your disabled or injured dog feel better? These dog physical therapy exercises can help her stay active.
Runt puppies may have special needs.
If you’re interested in taking your rabbit, ferret or other small pets outside, check out these tips to keep them safe and happy.
Horses are intelligent beings who can become bored easily. Keep your horse entertained with horse toys.