If the enlarged lump feels firm and warm, it’s likely to be swollen lymph nodes.
If you've spotted a lump on your feathery friend, it's time to take action.
Healthy cats should not eat a consistent renal food diet. Vet experts explain why.
Yes, dogs can have cinnamon—but only in small amounts.
Dealing with cat diarrhea is no fun—for you or your kitty.
Are your dog’s eyes looking a little, um, crusty? Here's what you need to know about eye discharge in dogs.
Because buoyancy issues are a big deal.
Helping an overweight or obese cat lose weight isn’t always easy, but it is worth it. Follow these expert steps to help your pet lose weight.
Hey, where did those spots come from?
They sure can! Here's how to safely feed eggs to cats.
Rosemary is safe for your kitty, but don't give them too much.
Yes, but you need to consider the type and quantity.
Think twice before sharing a slice.
Stress isn’t good for anybody—especially your fish friends.
Fish tank looking less than clear? We're here to help.
Because hydration is key, pupper.
Hint: It isn’t just for your caprese salad.
This info just might help you save your fish’s life.