Learn the signs of heatstroke in dogs as well as vet-recommended advice on treating and preventing heat exhaustion in dogs.
By being knowledgeable of your pup’s eating habits and switching over to the best dog food for sensitive stomach issues, you may be able to give your pup relief. Here’s what to consider if you’re the parent of a pupper who seems to have tummy troubles.
Find out what causes dogs to have seizures and learn what to do if your dog has one.
Roundworms come in several species and can cause illness in pets. Learn how roundworms in dogs and cats are caused, treated and prevented to keep you and your pets safe.
Seasonal allergies can affect our pets, too. Learn the symptoms of cat and dog allergies and how to help treat them.
There is only so much one can do to prevent diseases in dogs, but the 1st thing you can do is to learn about genetic dog diseases, so you know what to look out for in certain breeds. Find out which congenital dog diseases are most common, how you can identify them & how you can lessen their effects.
A dog overheating can be a scary situation. Learn what signs to look for and how to cool down a dog to help prevent heat stroke and heat exhaustion.
Hookworms can be dangerous for dogs. Learn how to identify, treat, and prevent hookworms in dogs to keep your pup in good health.
Thinking about getting a Labrador Retriever or a Pug? Find out what dog diseases these and other popular dog breeds are more prone to getting.
Whenever a dog starts drinking excessively, a vet visit is in order.
Plus, freezing tips!
An allergic reaction to dogs or cats is no fun. Use this guide to find out six ways to reduce pet dander and lower the intensity of your allergies.
Are you worried your dog may be suffering from liver disease? Learn the early signs of liver disease in dogs and the ways to prevent it.
Having issues with your dog losing weight? Learn why a slow feeder might be just what you need to help an obese dog lose weight.
Learn about the probiotics for dogs—including what ingredients to look for and the health conditions these dog supplements address—and get an expert's recommendations for the best probiotics for dogs.
How often should you feed a dog? If you asked your dog that question, her answer would probably be: As much as possible, please! But that, obviously, wouldn’t be a good idea. Exactly how often dogs should eat has been a topic of discussion—and argument—for many dog owners. Another question dog owners may find themselves asking is: How much should a dog eat? Read on for some basic feeding guidelines.
If your pooch has canine diabetes, it’s important to familiarize yourself with the best foods to give her. Here's what you need to know.
If you walk down the vitamin aisle at your local supermarket, you may notice that there are as many supplements for pets as there are for humans. The humanization of pets is a driving factor for the pet industry, and more than ever before, pet owners are investing in vitamins and other supplements to aid in their pet’s health and well-being, according to American Pet Products Association.