BeChewy takes a look at the animals that look like ferrets.
What adaptations a bird has developed can tell you a lot about the environment it lives in, and what foods it eats.
Here are a seven key ways to ensure that your purebred dog co-ownership will be rewarding and not turn into a nightmare, as so many do.
BeChewy goes through how to help an injured field mouse in a safe way.
BeChewy looks at some of the rarer freshwater aquarium fish like the golden gar and the polkadot stingray.
BeChewy looks at 5 reasons Conures make great pet birds for the family.
Acknowledged cat-huffer Angie Bailey shares her favorite cat smells such as grass, cat food and ... Fritos?
They have their own set of requirements and usually demand near constant attention for complete success.
BeChewy explores 5 of the great bottom dwelling freshwater aquarium fish.
BeChewy explores what kind of families for whom the the Green Cheek Conure would be the perfect pet bird.
Many people say that Snoopy looks nothing like the beagle he is supposed to represent, but this article argues that Snoopy is actually a perfect beagle.
Pros and Cons Of A Great Dane's Mile-Long Legs
BeChewy explores the wild flocks of the Peach-Faced Lovebird species that thrives in Arizona.
BeChewy looks at great games you can play with your pet bird, from staircase dash to birdie basketball.
BeChewy looks at the 3 habitats for your mudskipper: a simple habitat, a beach setup or a paludarium.
BeChewy helps you find great ways to play with your pet cockatiel with these tips, from whistling and dancing to using bird toys.
10 Ways To Help Animals In Need
Use these tips and tricks to keep your cat active and engaged while you’re away from home.