Getting a freshwater fish tank for the first time? Discover the essential items you need to create a healthy and enjoyable tank for your finned friends.
From an automatic fish feeder to hiring a professional pet sitter.
On game day, you can whip up some healthy dog treats that are in the shape of a football jersey. Find out how to make these DIY dog treats that are bound to score a touchdown with your pupper!
Chewy Health Hour: Vet Nutritionist Answers Your Questions on Nutrition for Pets
Peanut butter-flavored French macarons for dogs? Ooh, yeah.
Learn about the different types of dog food so you can have an informed discussion with your veterinarian about the best dog food for your pup.
Chewy’s resident veterinarian Dr. Katy Nelson, DVM, took over Chewy's Instagram to answer some of your most pressing questions about keeping your pet clean and other pet grooming topics.
Not only do pets make great companions, but they can make you more social, too—even while social distancing. Here are 6 ways pet parents can stay connected.
Get to know Dr. Katy Nelson, Chewy's resident veterinarian.
Tell your furry friend just how much you adore him with dog-friendly conversation hearts. Decorated with words of love, these DIY dog treats will make your pup’s next Valentine’s Day extra special.
3 Holiday Dog Treat Recipes for Your Pup’s KONG