When do puppies lose their teeth, and how can pet parents help their dog through the process? Read our guide to puppy teething symptoms and solutions.
Every dog has different needs, and every trainer has different talents. So how do you find the dog trainer who’s perfect for your pup? Follow our guide.
Starting with Corgis and their fluffy butts, we rounded up the most OMG-worthy pups on the planet for your scrolling pleasure.
How can you make the most of the autumn months with your pet? Follow our fall to-do list for pet parents for tips on Halloween, festivals, safety and more.
Looking for Christmas decoration ideas for your pets’ spaces? From dogs and cats to fish and more, check out this holiday décor for pets.
If you’ve added a new pet to your family this year, take inspiration from these first Christmas ideas to make the most of your first holiday season together.
Let’s take a look at the pet adoption statistics in the U.S. this year, from the states that adopted the most pets to the most popular breeds.
It’s spooky season! Take our Halloween costume quiz to find the perfect pet costume.
Thirteen-year-old Sir Darius Brown has channeled his passion for making bow ties into a lifesaving mission for shelter pets across the United States.
Dreaming of exploring the great outdoors with your kitty? Here’s everything you need to know about hiking with cats.
From blep to absolute unit, we’re breaking down the latest and greatest dog slang, cat lingo, and other words to describe pets.
Just five minutes of training per day can make a huge difference in your pup’s behavior. Here’s how to train a dog, whether you have five minutes or longer.
How do you get your dog to sit still while you clip their nails? Just ask ICU nurse Lindsey Shelton, who came up with a solution that’s going viral.
As states reopen, many people and pets are feeling stressed. Use these tips to avoid separation anxiety in dogs and cats and care for your own mental health.
These three pet parents took in a foster dog or cat during the coronavirus pandemic. Here’s what happened.
Find out why thousands of people are fostering during the pandemic, and whether it’s right for you.
Stress, anxiety, depression—we’ve been there. But hey, at least you have a powerful mood-booster curled up at the foot of your bed. Here’s how dogs and other pets benefit your mental health.
What’s a bunny’s favorite dessert? Carrot cake, of course! Follow this recipe to make a delicious, nutritious cake for your bunny.