Find out what avian veterinarians commonly see when it comes to bird beak injuries and ailments.
BeChewy gives you tips to keep you waggy-tailed dog from going crazy and barking when someone knocks at the door or rings the doorbell.
Explore the outstanding ferret personality types and the factors that shape a ferret's personality.
Find out the enrichment benefits of millet for pet birds and parrots, as well as some millet recipes.
Rowdy and clownish, the Macaw bird will test you every step of the way, so learn about their unique behaviors, such as lunging, singing and more.
They have their own set of requirements and usually demand near constant attention for complete success.
BeChewy explores 5 of the great bottom dwelling freshwater aquarium fish.
Learn why a sugar glider would bite and what you can do to prevent from getting bitten.
BeChewy walks you through how to cultivate your own fish food, from Daphnia to micro worms to fruit flies.
When Does Dog Play Escalate Into A Dog Fight?
Dog Grooming Tips For Senior Dogs
Why do some cats get aggressive when there's food around? BeChewy gives you tips to manage your cat's food aggression and keep your other pets safe.
Zanclus cornutus usually does not survive in captivity, but following these tips may increase your chances of success.
Follow these tips when it's time to give your pet bird a bath.
Learn about such topics as health and wellness, housing and food when keeping multiple parakeets/budgies as pets.
When it comes to parrots, you have to budget appropriately and know the hidden costs.
BeChewy explores what kind of families for whom the the Green Cheek Conure would be the perfect pet bird.
Managing Dental Disease In Your Senior Cat