If you have a sick dog, determining the root of the problem isn’t always easy. If everything else in your pup’s daily lifestyle has remained constant, a recent change in his diet could be the source; and if so, you’ll need to determine whether or not your pup is experiencing a food allergy, or a food intolerance. Both are considered to be food aversions, however they come about for very different reasons.
Local pet rescues are always in need of animal shelter donations and volunteers. Here are seven ways to help your local animal shelter or humane society.
Discover the benefits of feeding your dog single-ingredient, grain-free dog treats for training or as a reward.
Get the basic dos and don’ts of homemade dog treat making, as well as some helpful tips and tricks for a hassle-free baking experience.
Do you know the power of a bird? beak?
Whip up some yummy and easy homemade dog treats that make the perfect stuffing for a KONG Classic dog toy. These DIY dog treat recipes will keep your pup entertained!
Here are six activities to keep your cat engaged and happy all summer long.
If your dog exercises often, or if you’d like to get your dog started as a working dog, it is important to understand the proper nutritional requirements. Just like any athlete needs a specialized nutrition plan to help them perform, any dog that engages in strenuous physical activity needs proper working dog nutrition.
Learn how to make a delicious DIY dog treat with this simple dog biscuit recipe.
Find out how to work with the behavior of this energetic bird species
If you’re looking for a new companion who will always look like a puppy, here are some breeds to consider.
Even if your dog loves water, certain behaviors can put him at risk of drowning. Here are six things not to do when you take your dog swimming.
Get a veterinarian overview of dog therapy training, the steps to achieve therapy dog certification and the role of dog rehabilitation in helping others in the community.
Some of the most common pet parent anxieties are much more common than you think.
What do flea bites looks like? Here, a veterinarian breaks down the difference flea vs. tick bites.
Fleas can make your pet itchy, sure. But did you know they can also cause flea diseases in cats and dogs? Find out how to keep your pet safe from these 6 illnesses transmitted by fleas.
Learn about what to do if you have a jealous dog, and what you can do to stop any dog aggression that may result from jealousy.
Uncover common flea & tick myths to help you improve your flea treatment.