Choose good beginner fish for your child.
All those loud noises can cause some serious stress.
BeChewy looks at all the details you need to know about keeping and breeding the beautiful tropical fish known as Tiger Barbs.
BeChewy looks at 12 of the most common behaviors of the adorable marsupial known as the Sugar Glider.
These active, colorful fish can be fun additions to your tank.
BeChewy looks at 13 reasons why cats are so lucky and blessed, from the luck of black cats to the good luck of sneezing cats.
Creating a mini estuary is perfect for those desiring to discover the transition zone between fresh water and saltwater habitats.
This common family pet will sing his heart out in your home.
A guide to chinchilla noises and their meanings.
BeChewy shows you the ins and outs of setting up a freshwater shrimp tank, from water cycling and conditioning to vegetation.
You can prevent or minimize some sugar glider health problems by recognizing them early and taking action.
These grazing fish are all herbivores and will often eat algae growing in your tank.
Strange noises, food and treasure stashing and popping eyes may all seem odd, but they are part of normal rat behavior.
BeChewy explores 11 of the most common mouse behaviors.
Not all fish that have earned a bad reputation deserve it—and some are actually good community fish. Check out which fish are known to be bullies and discover some tips for dealing with them.
BeChewy explores some of the most fascinating aspects of Lovebirds.
Just like humans, fish dealing with stress may be prone to health problems.
BeChewy explains why eating paper is bad for a dog’s health and how to prevent it.