Boxer Puppy Sucks on Pacifier to Fall Asleep

By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:

Boxer Puppy Sucks on Pacifier to Fall Asleep

Dogs and babies share plenty of similarities. They both slobber and drool. They poop in all sorts of inconvenient places. And they’re both loveable members of our families that we can’t resist smothering with affection.

But 8-month-old Boxer puppy Princess Leia is really making the case for just how baby-like dogs can be.

Just like human babies, Leia needs her pacifier to fall asleep. In a super sweet video uploaded to YouTube, Leia’s pet parent gently places the pacifier in the pup’s mouth and the dog immediately begins sucking on it.

In no time, the tired puppy is snoring on the sofa with the pacifier still sticking out of her mouth. Too cute!

Note: We don’t recommend putting a pacifier in your dog’s mouth, since it could be a potential choking hazard. Not every puppy will just suck on it like Princess Leia!

Deidre Grieves is a senior content strategist and digital producer. Wiener dogs are her life.


By: Chewy EditorialUpdated:
