Two Must-Know Dog Tricks

By: Chewy EditorialPublished:

Two Must-Know Dog Tricks

Think your dog has what it takes to be an animal actor? Your dog might sport star-quality looks, but he won’t get his big break without perfecting these two dog tricks often required of animal actors, says dog trainer Laurie Williams, CPDT-KA, of the reality TV show “Greatest American Dog.”

1. Bow on Command

To teach your dog the “bow” command, position a small dog treat, like Blue Buffalo’s Blue Bits chicken training treat, underneath your standing dog’s chest.

As your dog moves his front legs down to get the treat and his rear end rises, click one with a dog clicker and say, “Bow.” Then offer the treat.

If your dog tries to grab the treat without bowing, tuck the treat into your closed palm.

Repeat these steps five or six times. If your dog gets the trick quickly, stop, praise, and move on to another trick to prevent boredom.

2. “Watch Me!”

Guarantee your dog maintains eye contact to follow your commands on a set by saying, “Watch me,” and touching your nose.

As soon as your dog looks at your eyes, click a dog clicker and hand over a dog treat.

Cock your head to the side and reward if your dog mimics the movement.

Gradually take away the vocal command and the clicker and reward your dog with dog treats each time he responds with a stare when you touch your nose.

Want more dog tricks? Check out this video to teach your dog how to catch a Frisbee:

Posted by: Chewy Editorial

Feature Image: Natalia Fedosova/


By: Chewy EditorialPublished:
