Can dogs get sunburn? Protect your pup from the hot summer sun rays and dog skin cancer by learning about the benefits of dog sunscreen.
If you plan on walking a dog on a leash at night, follow these dog safety tips to ensure your evening stroll is safe for both you and your pup.
Because there’s no better New Year’s resolution than spending more time with your pet.
Here, find out why it’s important to make sure your dog is getting exercise and how you can be a better workout buddy.
Here are eight water-based games that will keep your pup stimulated and cool all summer long.
Find expert tips to get your dog swimming like an Olympian this summer! From doggy paddle training to top dog life vests, read professional trainer secrets for success.
Learn how to train a dog with expert dog training tips for these useful commands. Teach your pup new tricks or perfect old ones with step-by-step trainer instructions.
What type of exercise is right for your dog depends on many factors. Find the best option for your pup here.
If you want to teach your dog to skateboard, it's important to take it safe and slow. Here are tips for training your dog to skateboard.
Support your active dog’s lifestyle with high-quality dog food. Learn the benefits of grain-free dog food to see if it’s the best option for your active dog.
We’ve tapped an expert to share a list breeds that can help keep you fit, along with some tips for beginning an exercise routine with your dog.
How to Walk Multiple Dogs Without Losing Your Cool
8 Sure-Fire Ways to Tire Your Dog Out
4 Reasons Why Play Is Essential for Your Pet
Think your cat won't exercise? Think again. Using these tips and toys, you can make your cat exercise—and even get your cat to enjoy it, too!
Walking your dog is not only great exercise, it's also a way increase the bond between you and your dog. Here are 10 reasons to walk your dog right now.
Puppies have limitless energy, but over-exercising is bad for their health. So, how often should you walk your puppy? Here's how to know your pup's needs.
When life hands you a dog covered in poop, make (were you expecting lemonade?) a list of all your panic-stricken thoughts.