Does your dog use your carpet like it's ultra soft toilet paper? Or maybe as a personal rear scratching post?
BeChewy explores the history of the Pug, whose name has its origin in the word "Pai."
Learn the natural behaviors of your betta so you can spot signs of distress in the future.
Do you know how birds lay eggs? Find out which birds are prone to egg-laying, and how the egg-laying works.
CatChannel and CAT FANCY cat behaviorist Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, advises an owner on how to stop younger cats from irritating older cats.
CatChannel behavior expert Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, gives tips for altering cat's early-morning demands.
BeChewy looks at 7 things that birds are scared - the dark and some bird toys make the list surprisingly.
BeChewy tackles the question of why your cat might be repeatedly flipping over its water bowl and what to do about it.
CatChannel and CAT FANCY cat behaviorist Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, explains why a too-strong cat bond could cause separation anxiety.
CatChannel behavior expert Marilyn Krieger says changes in health could affect actions.
CatChannel and CAT FANCY cat behaviorist Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, explains how to keeps cats from attacking dogs, a rare but concerning occurrence.
Help your zebra finch pairs stop bullying each other and picking feathers off their chicks with these pet bird tips.
If your pet bird is angry, determine what may be the source of its anger with these helpful tips.
CatChannel expert Jeanne Adlon, professional cat sitter, offers techniques to curb your cat's houseplant-digging behavior.
BeChewy looks at why dogs pee when they get excited, including how to stop it and prevent it.
Why would a mouse spin and circles, and how can this be treated?
CatChannel behavior expert Marilyn Krieger, CCBC, discusses how to desensitize cats to a frightening object.
BeChewy has tips for the best ways to find your cat when it inevitably tucks away into its favorite hiding places around the house.