Are worried that your pet is suffering from environmental cat allergies or dog allergies? Learn more about cat and dog seasonal allergies so you can keep your pet healthy and happy.
It’s the middle of the night, and you’re awakened by the sound of your dog scratching—again. The constant scratching and licking is enough to drive you nuts, but imagine what it’s doing to your poor dog.
If you have a sick dog, determining the root of the problem isn’t always easy. If everything else in your pup’s daily lifestyle has remained constant, a recent change in his diet could be the source; and if so, you’ll need to determine whether or not your pup is experiencing a food allergy, or a food intolerance. Both are considered to be food aversions, however they come about for very different reasons.
Learn the different skin and allergy problems that the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel may encounter.
When I adopted my dog, she was plagued with allergies. From green gook that poured out of her eyes to her incredibly dry skin, she was constantly itching and uncomfortable. We made dozens of trips to the vet to get antibiotics and medicine to treat the symptoms, but the allergies just would not go away.
Relief for itchy kitties everywhere.
Resolving Cat Food Allergies
Get insight on what a dog’s constant scratching and rubbing after being groomed may indicate.
BeChewy helps you understand everything you need to know about rabbit allergies, including the fact that you can still likely own a rabbit despite your allergy if you select the right breed!