Petiquette Guide: Pet Etiquette for Dog and Cat Parents

By: BeChewy EditorsUpdated:

Chewy Studios

Petiquette Guide: Pet Etiquette for Dog and Cat Parents

As pet parents, we know how to set boundaries and rules within our own homes. They might include no jumping on guests, no eating people food off the dining table, and no peeing in places you really shouldn't be peeing. On the flip side, we'd never say "no" to couch cuddles as we binge-watch our favorite shows. But out in the wild? That's where things can get a little hairy.

That's where this petiquette guide comes in handy.

From understanding the rules of your pup's favorite dog park and ensuring your pet—and all your coworkers—feel comfortable at your workplace, to learning how to interact with strangers, including kids, while out and about, we've rounded up everything you need to know about pet etiquette, so you can be the best pet parent you can be—and help others do the same. Because, as the saying goes, it takes a village—and our pets love making new friends.

Petiquette at a Glance

Don't be caught in a socially awkward sitch. Download our quick guide so you'll always have petiquette advice at your fingertips.
pet etiquette tips

Go Ahead, Test Your Petiquette Knowledge!

When your pet comes on camera during a Zoom call, you should...

Introduce them, of course!

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If your pets look nervous around kids or vice versa, you should...

Have a safe space where they can go to relax.

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What's the biggest sin you could ever commit as a dog parent?

Not picking up your dog's poop. Carry poop bags everywhere.

Learn More

Want more? Tell us what petiquette topics we should cover next by leaving a comment or tagging us on social with @Chewy!


By: BeChewy EditorsUpdated:
