Is it a sign of illness if a rabbit has a wet nose sometimes?
Take your rabbit with you on your next adventure with these tips on how to leash train a rabbit.
If you’re interested in taking your rabbit, ferret or other small pets outside, check out these tips to keep them safe and happy.
Check out these pet superlatives for the office pets of Chewy.
Interested in adding these adorable small pets to your home? Check out the many reasons why chinchillas make pretty cool pets.
Looking for cool dog names and unique kitty names for your newest family member? These pet parents chose some cute and funny food names for pets!
Did you know ferrets can be trained to use the litter box? The right ferret supplies and a little patience will go a long way in ensuring litter training success.
Hamsters will stuff their cheeks with just about anything, but they need a balanced diet to thrive. As omnivores, they eat a variety of foods, from seeds, fruits and greens to the occasional insect or other form of protein. A variety of commercial hamster food is available for hamsters, from pellets, seed mixes and blocks. But which is the best to keep your small animal healthy and thriving?
When it comes to proper ferret care, grooming is essential. Make sure you have the right ferret supplies to get the job done.
What could it mean if your hamster has trouble breathing, suffers hair loss, experiences diarrhea or many other signs of illness?
Learn how to litter train a rabbit following this step-by-step guide. We’re also outlining what you need and how to tackle common potty problems.
An owner questions why hamster brought home are quickly dying.
A cat, a rat and a dog all living together under the same roof? One unlikely trio proved that it was more than possible.
Look through our list of Christmas gifts for rabbits to spoil your pet rabbit this holiday season!
Show your pet appreciation for all the love your dog or cat gives you during the holidays, and every day.
Learn how to care for a rabbit and find out what to feed your new pet rabbit. Provide your new bunny with a high-quality rabbit diet with these products.
BeChewy explores all of the differences between gerbils and hamsters.
Gretchen Levine opened her doors to her pet clientele as Hurricane Irma hit Florida.