This list will help make your new ferret feel at home.
Common allergens and health conditions that rabbits face.
Learn about common hedgehog ailments.
Learn how to tell if your guinea pig is stressed.
If you’re thinking about rabbit adoption, check out these care tips and a rundown of rabbit supplies to have on hand to maximize your new pet’s comfort.
Are you are concerned about pet safety in cars? If so, discover all of the ways you can help keep your pets safe while on the road.
When you understand the definition of dominance, you can better understand dominant behavior in rabbits.
Hamsters are engaging, intelligent animals and make wonderful pets. As such, they require a significant amount of environmental stimulation to ...
Discover why ferrets bite and how to make them stop.
At what age can baby rabbits leave their mother and how are rabbits sexed?
Take Off Safely with These 5 Airline-Approved Small Pet Carriers
Spoil your hamster this holiday season by baking these homemade hamster treats, perfect for Christmas and the holiday season.
Take a look at what makes the Chewy family so special for Chewy customer service agents in this compilation we've put together to say Happy Holidays to you and yours!
Stress in Small Pets: Causes, Signs and How You Can Help
How to best equip your gerbil’s home.
What can hamsters eat? What can’t hamsters eat? You may be surprised to learn that some foods generally considered healthy and beneficial to your nutrition, like almonds, can be harmful to your hamster. Small rodents, including hamsters, live very short lifespans. As such, it is vital to feed them properly to keep them with us as long as possible.
These 13 guinea pig costumes are sure to put a smile on your face and win all of the Halloween costume contests.
Like all animals, hamsters benefit from a range of vitamins in their diets. Here are some important vitamins for your hamster’s needs. Vitamin A is useful for nursing hamsters and important in small amounts for growth. Lack of vitamin A has been shown to cause slow development in baby hamsters. Green vegetables and carrots are good sources of vitamin A. Remember the “too much” rule here.