Want to do right by your hamster? Then learn the best way to tame your hamster to let you hold it.
BeChewy gives you advice on how to stop hamsters from biting.
A senior rabbit has slightly different needs than a younger bunny, so learn to recognize the signs that your fluffy pet has reached the golden years.
Directory Of Veterinarians For Exotic Small Mammals
All surgeries have risk, so do the benefits of spaying a guinea pig outweigh the risk of surgery?
BeChewy looks at why hamsters can be smelly and what to do to keep your hamster smelling fresh and clean.
What causes a ferret to shake like it's vibrating?
Learn why a hamster often ends up chewing at its cage and what you can do to stop and prevent it.
Ear position, size, coat texture and shape all give clues to a rabbit’s breed.
BeChewy explores the language of hamsters, including hamster body language, from sniffing to perking their ears up to grinding their teeth.
BeChewy goes into the details of why the rabbit and the hare are, in fact, two completely different species!
BeChewy gives you tips on how to make sure your dog and your rabbit can live harmoniously under the same roof.
What is your ferret trying to tell you via body language?
Keeping any pet costs money, so what are the estimated annual costs for a ferret’s food, litter, toys, bedding and medical care?
When it’s a choice between a bedroom or a common room like a family room, which is best for hamsters?
BeChewy explores some of the stranger but common behaviors of hedgehogs.
From normal shedding to disease, parasites and more, learn about the six common reasons ferrets lose hair.
It’s a common mistake to think that ferrets are rodents, but they are not. Here’s why.