Discover these 22 need-to-know facts about hamster pups, from Day 1 to week 12.
Chewing, stashing and marking are just a few of the normal degu behaviors you can expect to see from this fascinating pet.
Look at your ferret’s feces for some clues to its health.
Can you retrain your ferret from being a naughty nipper or bad biter?
BeChewy gives you the low down on the life stages of Chinchillas, from birth to old age.
BeChewy takes a look at all of the different types of ferret communication, from kissing, jumping and licking.
Catch the signs of guinea pig bloat before it turns fatal.
If you’re looking for some cute bunny names in the springtime, we’ve got you covered. Check out 42 rabbit names that might be a perfect fit for your bunny friend.
7 Easter Basket Gift Ideas for Pet Rabbits
Learn to recognize the different sounds a rat can make.
For curious, playful ferrets, only the most exciting and engaging toys will do. Ferret toys like tunnels, chew toys, and even a ball pit will keep your small pet happy year-round.
Mice are social animals and enjoy living with another mouse.
This list will help make your new ferret feel at home.
Common allergens and health conditions that rabbits face.
Learn about common hedgehog ailments.
Learn how to tell if your guinea pig is stressed.
If you’re thinking about rabbit adoption, check out these care tips and a rundown of rabbit supplies to have on hand to maximize your new pet’s comfort.
Are you are concerned about pet safety in cars? If so, discover all of the ways you can help keep your pets safe while on the road.