BeChewy goes into the details of why the rabbit and the hare are, in fact, two completely different species!
BeChewy gives you tips on how to make sure your dog and your rabbit can live harmoniously under the same roof.
Get to know a little more about the six Angora rabbit breeds currently recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association.
If you need a dose of cuteness in your day, live rabbit webcams that show adorable bunnies could be the solution.
BeChewy helps you learn about the 11 most common rabbit injuries and how to treat and prevent them.
What behavior changes should be expected after a rabbit is neutered?
BeChewy helps you understand the signs of E. Cuniculi in rabbits and how to diagnose it.
What would cause young rabbits to excrete a clear substance from their bottom?
BeChewy looks at the Mini Rex Rabbit breed, including its history, the breed's popularity today and why they make such great pets.
BeChewy walks you through what the potential harm might be if your rabbit eats chocolate and what you should do based upon your rabbit's behavior.
Knowing how rabbits eat and digest food helps you know what food to offer your pet.
BeChewy explores why a rabbit that seemed fine only hours before suddenly died.
Follow these seven tips to keep your rabbit's litter box clean, promote good health and minimize odors.
BeChewy helps you understand what signs and symptoms to look for in a sick rabbit and what some treatment strategies might be.
Worried your bunny might have an eye infection? Here’s what to do for rabbit eye problems and tips for rabbit eye care.
What are the causes and treatment for a watery eye in rabbits?
Some rabbits with E. cuniculi can live a normal life if given prompt treatment; even better is preventing infection by E. cuniculi.
Find out which small animal pets top the list as the most kid-friendly.