BeChewy covers all of the details of how to go about Oscar Fish Breeding.
Do you know the inner workings of a bird? beak?
Bonus content from the March 2010 AFI magazine column Freshwater Q&A.
Top 10 Pet Amazon Parrot Questions Answered
If you’re a newcomer to plants — or just want a planted tank without all the work — go low light and low maintenance.
Is a sump a good idea for a freshwater aquarium?
The Bronze Cory
Your bird can learn to live with a newcomer with these helpful hints
If you want to see your fish, give them places to hide.
Learn the benefits of cranberries for birds
BeChewy looks at why pet birds make the noises they do and tips to live with these various sounds.
Does a budgie's feather color determine their leg and feet skin color?
Conditioning is considered the first step in successfully breeding any species.
If you are considering getting another canary, follow these tips on how to set up a new cage for the two canaries.
Dealing with water hardness becomes more important with fish such as discus, clown rasboras, and cardinal tetras.
Cichlid Fish Information
Learn about what Dropsy is in fish, how to treat and prevent it.
BeChewy gives you the ins and outs of the delicate process of breeding Zebra Danios.