When a parrot refuses to come out of the bird cage and won't let you near it either, this behavior is called "cage bound." Find out what to do about cage-bound parrots.
Do you ever feel like there someone is watching you? There is Šand its probably your parrot.
BeChewy looks at bird health within the context of feather color changes and when you should see a vet.
If you want to own a quaker parrot in the United States, consult this infographic to learn if quaker parrots are legal in your area.
Society finches are natural parents that win the hearts of beginner and expert pet bird owners.
With all the attention on vaccines for people, we investigate what vaccines parrots may or may not need.
Have a great playtime with your pet African grey with these tips.
BeChewy explores the wild flocks of the Peach-Faced Lovebird species that thrives in Arizona.
BeChewy looks at great games you can play with your pet bird, from staircase dash to birdie basketball.
BeChewy gives you 8 things that you should know about Macaws, from sexual and adolescent behaviors to noises they make.
Find out when to use first aid on your pet bird and when to get your bird to your avian veterinarian with these tips.
BeChewy fills you in on everything you need to know about water for your pet bird, from how much they need, types, hygiene and when to change the water.
The Alexandrine parakeet is highly intelligent, playful, independent and talkative Šand are not shy about showing you it.
Find out everything to know about your bird? blood, from blood tests to blood loss to blood transfusions.
BeChewy goes through all of the ins and outs of breeding minnows, which breed in various ways.
BeChewy looks at the 3 habitats for your mudskipper: a simple habitat, a beach setup or a paludarium.
Will a cockatiel take care of her eggs after I handled them?
BeChewy helps you find great ways to play with your pet cockatiel with these tips, from whistling and dancing to using bird toys.