With the proper fish care, you can keep your fish happy and stress-free.
Train your canary fly in a bird-safe room with these pet bird tips.
This little parrot may be hard to find, but it? worth the wait.
The gold severum is a beautiful and peaceful cichlid.
Find out about proper goldfish care so your pet can thrive. Get the best tips for feeding goldfish and accommodating their needs.
Learn more about basic horse terms and horse breeds to help you with horseback riding and basic horse care.
Learn more about horse strangles and its symptoms to help with proper horse care.
Learn more about navicular disease in horses and its symptoms so you can administer proper horse care to get your steed back to good health.
The egg-laying process takes a toll on the female cockatiel's health, so find out what you can do to help her.
These five small pet birds are much beloved. Learn more about each one.
Learn how to train a horse with these horse training tips. Find out what horse training is all about, and the importance of establishing a relationship with your horse.
Do you know the power of a bird? beak?
Find out how to work with the behavior of this energetic bird species
Choose your Plecos wisely. . . and don't expect them to clean all the algae in your tank
Knowing your pet bird's gender can tell you more about your bird than simply what to name it.
Swordtails and platies are hardy and beautiful aquarium residents.
Find out the differences between male and female Aratinga and Pyrrhura conures.
Foods such as alcohol, chocolate, avocado, uncooked meats and shellfish can be bad for your pet bird.