The gold severum is a beautiful and peaceful cichlid.
Include your pet fish in your holiday fun with these gift ideas.
Find out about proper goldfish care so your pet can thrive. Get the best tips for feeding goldfish and accommodating their needs.
Feeding your fish is the primary way in which you interact with them–and besides, they are always so pleased to see you coming with a can of fish food. However, more aquarium fish probably die from overfeeding than from underfeeding, and I am pretty sure that even if they were fed very little, very few aquarium fish have ever starved to death. Fish in our fish aquariums get more fish food, with less work, than would ever be the case in the wild. In addition, your aquarium fish don’t have to worry about becoming a meal for some other creature.
Choose your Plecos wisely. . . and don't expect them to clean all the algae in your tank
A common mistake is to try to achieve the water conditions one might aim for if keeping a fish-only aquarium.
Swordtails and platies are hardy and beautiful aquarium residents.
Their peaceful disposition, coupled with their ability to wiggle into every nook and cranny in search of food, make them an excellent choice.
Camallanus worms are among the most commonly encountered internal parasites for aquarium fish.
Fish that change color do not necessarily have a disease.
When it comes to scales, they belong on the fish.
Dog and cat rescue is common in the U.S., but these animal lovers are committed to saving koi fish. Read about their organizations.
Certain tropical fishes are known for jumping out of the fish tank.
Find out what sea slugs are beneficial to your reef tank and which ones will eat your corals.
How to cycle an aquarium without fish.
It is easiest to tell the difference between male and female goldfish by their behavior during breeding.
The Asian arowana is also called dragon fish or Asian bony tongue.
Ten steps to breeding tetras.