Let's examine the advantages but also the disadvantages to consider prior to creating an open top or covered riparium.
Your guide to caring for the cryptic and fascinating moray eels.
Mastacembelus erythrotaenia are long lived and need a large tank.
The mandarin dragonet can be kept provided your tank has a large and healthy population of copepods.
Top 10 Most Popular Captive Bred Marine Fish
They have their own set of requirements and usually demand near constant attention for complete success.
BeChewy explores 5 of the great bottom dwelling freshwater aquarium fish.
BeChewy walks you through how to cultivate your own fish food, from Daphnia to micro worms to fruit flies.
Zanclus cornutus usually does not survive in captivity, but following these tips may increase your chances of success.
These are nice fish – but they ARE cichlids.
BeChewy goes through all of the ins and outs of breeding minnows, which breed in various ways.
BeChewy looks at the 3 habitats for your mudskipper: a simple habitat, a beach setup or a paludarium.
Understanding the nitrogen cycle in an aquarium, especially how pH affects the nitrogen cycle, is going to make keeping an ideal environment for fish possible.
Identify and treat gill or skin flukes immediately.
There are easy steps you can take to keep fish alive in a blackout.
Breeding The Celestial Pearl Danio
Choose good beginner fish for your child.
BeChewy looks at all the details you need to know about keeping and breeding the beautiful tropical fish known as Tiger Barbs.